i came across this topic when reading an article in majalah i. keluaran sept 2010.
interview with Sheikh Omar Baloch from Furqan Institute of Quranic Foundation ( FIQE ).
He was in Malaysia for a lecture with the topic " The Islamic Views on Media ".
It has been bothering me for quite some time. i stop watching news from some local tv. its too obvious and obnoxious to watch a very one sided report in everything.
i am not pro or con to our government but we do appreciate some of the effort being made by our country leaders.
unfortunately for me the way it was brought out to our view, or shall i say thrust upon us was unacceptable and arrogant. it was always excellent for our leading party, but it was all the way bleak for the opposition.
we are human and tend to do right and wrong. you can't keep giving us a rosy picture of oneself and total disgrace of others. be fair and real and true because its all in the action. action do speak louder than words.
as for the media. you are responsible to give us news and story that we can depend on and authentic with a real integrity. stop being a dummy following orders and forgetting your true reason to be in this field.
as what sheikh omar has mentioned in his interview, the reporter/ media need to ensure that every news being reported are true because you are like the narrator of hadith, to deliver the truth for the future of civilization.
there's a need to put a fullstop to all this and we need to be able to rely upon the media to built a knowledgeable, fair and strong community and country.
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