Playing the Piano
“If people only knew how hard I work to gain my mastery, it wouldn’t seem so wonderful at all.” —Michelangelo
You can learn how to play the piano. You can study music composition and theory, learn to read music and build dexterity in your fingers. You can buy the finest piano money can buy, rent an auditorium, sell tickets and gather an audience.
But if you don’t actually put your fingers on the keyboard and play—nothing will happen. You can sit in front of the piano and think “Ohmmm, I’m playing beautiful music, ohmmm...” but unless you’ve rigged a player piano, no music is going to come out of it.
I meet a lot of people who repeat their positive money affirmations every day, but never send out ships. They are not affirming—they are wishing. Affirmations aren’t magic words. They don’t conjure money out of the air. You use them to build your positive energy to the point where you start feeling and believing in your success—and with enough repetition, it becomes real to you, physically and emotionally in your body. From there you start feeling yourself motivated to take action. Action, backed up by the positive beliefs, creates the music.
A client of mine told me she was practicing her affirmations every day, but wasn’t sending out any ships. When I told her affirmations weren’t enough, that she had to reach out to people to sell her services, she rebelled. “Well,” she said sulkily, “I have a friend who’s in business and she doesn’t have to do that—she gets a lot of business through word-of-mouth referrals and never has to market her services.”
“Great!” I said. “I suggest you call her up and find out how she does it. If there is a magic way to get business to come to you without having to do any marketing, I’d love to know what it is. Let me know what you find out.”
She hasn’t returned my calls lately. My guess is wishing isn’t working.
Are you practicing? Sending out ships? Or wishing?
Today’s Affirmation: “My affirmations inspire me to send out ships
with abundant enthusiasm!”
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