Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Celebrate a New Beginning!

“There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality, and then there are those who turn one into the other.” —Douglas Everett

This is a day of celebration: Awake and sing the song of a bold new beginning. The point of power is in the moment and this moment you can start your new path towards success, wealth and happiness. Whatever came before is buried in the snows of last year. You can and you will—whatever you desire.

We are all graduates of MSU—Make Stuff Up. Whatever you have done in your life so far, you made it all up. You chose where you live, what you wear, what friends you have, what profession you’re in, how much money you make. And you choose again each day to maintain and build upon those things or to let go of them and pick up new things, new roads, new directions. On this day of your new beginning, all paths are open, all doors unlocked, all possibilities unlimited. What will you choose to be, do, and have now and going forward?

At the beginning of each Financial Stress Reduction™ Workshop, I ask participants to write down their “Intended Results.” It is a list of goals they want to accomplish in the course. I ask you to do this as well. What is your intention in reading this book? What do you want to have achieved by the end of it? Make a list of your goals for the next one-year period—financial, emotional, and spiritual. Goals have been called “dreams with deadlines.” Writing them down brings them from the metaphysical realm into the physical. No longer just a fantasy, the idea now exists in concrete form as a written document. If you have written goals down in the past, look at them and acknowledge yourself for the ones you have accomplished. Whatever remains undone may be transferred to your new list.

Make wealth—internal and external—your goal this year. Believe you will make more money with less stress and have more time off for fun with your family and friends. Be willing to risk change and survive the storms to find your highest good. Counting your money will make your money count—and remember to count your friends and your blessings as well.

Then celebrate—you have taken the first step along the path to great achievement!

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